
Web SDK changes

1.6.0 – June 24, 2024

  • The on_complete callback now is called upon folder status change.

  • Updated instructions for camera access in the Android Chrome and Facebook browsers. New keys:

    • error_no_camera_access,

    • oz_tutorial_camera_android_chrome_with_screens_title,

    • oz_tutorial_camera_android_chrome_instruction_screen_click_settings,

    • oz_tutorial_camera_android_chrome_instruction_screen_permissions,

    • oz_tutorial_camera_android_chrome_instruction_screen_allow_access,

    • try_again,

    • oz_tutorial_camera_external_browser_button,

    • oz_tutorial_camera_external_browser_manual_open_link,

    • oz_tutorial_camera_external_browser_title.

  • Added the get_langs() method that returns a list of locales available in the installed Web SDK.

  • Added an error for the case of setting a non-available locale.

  • Added an error for the case of lacking of a necessary resource. New key: unable_load_resource.

  • Changed texts for the error_connection_lost and error_service_unavailable errors.

  • Uploaded new Web SDK string files.

  • The crop function no longer adds borders for images smaller than 512×512.

1.5.3 – May 28, 2024

  • In case of camera access timeout, we now display a page with instructions for users to enable camera access: default for all browsers and specific for Facebook.

  • Added several localization records to the Web SDK strings file. New localization keys:

    • accessing_camera_switch_to_another_browser,

    • error_camera_timeout_instruction,

    • error_camera_timeout_title,

    • error_camera_timeout_android_facebook_instruction.

1.5.0 – May 05, 2024

  • Improved user experience for card printer machines. Users no longer need to get that close to the screen with face frame.

  • Added the disable_adaptive_aspect_ratio parameter to the Web Plugin. This parameter switches off the default video aspect ratio adjustment to the window.

  • Implemented the get_user_media_timeout parameter for Web Plugin: when SDK can’t get access to the user camera, after this timeout it displays a hint on how to solve the problem.

  • Added several localization records into the Web SDK strings file. New keys:

    • oz_tutorial_camera_android_edge_browser

    • oz_tutorial_camera_android_edge_instruction

    • oz_tutorial_camera_android_edge_title

    • error_camera_timeout_instruction

    • error_camera_timeout_title

  • Improved the localization: when SDK can’t find a translation for a key, it displays a message in English.

  • You can now distribute the serverless Web SDK via Node Package Manager.

  • You can switch off the display of API errors in modal windows. Set the disable_adapter_errors_on_screen parameter in the configuration file to True.

  • The mobile browsers now use the rear camera to take the documents’ photos.

  • Updated samples.

  • Fixed the bug with abnormal 3D mask reaction when user needs to repeat a gesture.

  • Logging and security updates.

1.4.3 – Apr. 15, 2024

  • Fixed the bug where the warning about incorrect device orientation was not displayed when a mobile user attempted to take a video with their face in landscape orientation.

  • Some users may have experienced freezes while using WebView. Now, users can tap a button to continue working with the application. The corresponding string has been added to the string file in the localization section. Key: tap_to_continue.

1.4.2 – Mar. 14, 2024

  • Debugging improvements.

1.4.1 – Feb. 27, 2024

  • Major security updates: improved protection against virtual cameras and JavaScript tampering.

  • Improved WebView support:

    • Added camera access instructions for applications within the generic WebView browsers on Android and iOS. The corresponding events are added to telemetry.

    • Improved the React Native app integration by adding the webkit-playsinline attribute, thereby fixing the issue of the full-screen camera launch on iOS WebView.

  • The iFrame using error when iframe_allowed = False is now shown properly.

  • New localization keys:

    • oz_tutorial_camera_android_webview_browser

    • oz_tutorial_camera_android_webview_instruction

    • oz_tutorial_camera_android_webview_title

1.4.0 – Feb. 07, 2024

  • You can now use Web SDK for the Black List analysis: to compare the face from your Liveness video with faces from your database. Create a collection (or collections) with these photos via API or Web UI, and add the corresponding ID (or IDs) to the analyses.collection_ids array in the Web Adapter configuration file.

  • The iframe support is back: set the iframe_allowed parameter in the Web Adapter configuration file to True.

  • The interval for polling for the analyses’ results is now configurable. Change it in the results_polling_interval parameter of the Web Adapter configuration file if necessary.

  • You can now select the front or back camera via Web Plugin. In the method, set cameraFacingMode to user for the front camera and environment for the back one. This parameter only works when the use_for_liveness option in the Web Adapter configuration file is not set.

  • The plugin styles are now being added automatically. Please remove <link rel="stylesheet" href="/plugin/ozliveness.css" /> from your page to prevent style conflicts.

  • Fixed some bugs and updated telemetry.

1.3.1 – Jan. 12, 2024

  • Improved the protection against injection attacks.

  • Replaced the code for Brazilian Portuguese from pt to pt-br to match the ISO standard.

  • Removed the lang_default adapter parameter.

  • The 3D mask transparency became customizable.

  • Implemented the possibility of using a master license that works with any domain.

  • Added the master_license_signature option into Web Adapter configuration parameters.

  • Fixed some bugs.

1.2.2 – Dec. 15, 2023

  • Internal SDK improvements.

1.2.1 – Nov. 04, 2023

  • To enhance your clients’ experience with Web SDK, we implemented the 3D-mask that replaces the oval during face capture. To make it work, set the load_3d_mask in Configuration file settings to true.

  • Updated telemetry (logging).

1.1.5 – Oct. 27, 2023

  • Logging updates.

1.1.4 – Oct. 2023

  • Security updates.

1.1.3 – Sept. 29, 2023

  • Internal SDK improvements.

1.1.2 – Sept. 21, 2023

  • Internal SDK improvements.

1.1.1 – Aug. 29, 2023

  • Fixed some bugs.

1.1.0 – Aug. 24, 2023

  • Changed the signature of the on_error() callback: now it returns an object with the error code, error message, and telemetry ID for logging.

  • Added the configuration parameter for the debug mode. If True, the Web SDK enables access to the /debug.php page, which contains information about the current configuration and the current license.

  • Fixed some bugs and improved logging.

1.0.2 – July 06, 2023

  • If your device has multiple cameras, you can now choose one when launching the Web Plugin.

1.0.1 – July 01, 2023

  • Implemented the new design for SDK and demo, including the scam protection option: the antiscam message warns user about their actions being recorded. Please check the new customization options here.

  • Added the Portuguese, Spanish, and Kazakh locales.

  • Added the combo gesture.

  • Added the progress bar for media upload.

  • Removed the Zoom in / Zoom out gestures.

  • On tablets, you can now capture video in landscape orientation.

  • Removed the lang_allow option from Web Adapter configuration file.

0.9.1 – Mar. 01, 2023

  • In the capture architecture, when a virtual camera is detected, the additional_info parameter is inside the from_virtual_camera section.

  • You can now crop the lossless frame without losing quality.

  • Fixed face landmarks for the capture architecture.

0.9.0 – Feb. 20, 2023

  • Improved the recording quality;

  • Reforged licensing:

    • added detailed error descriptions;

    • now you can set the license in JS during the runtime;

    • when you set a license in, it rewrites the previous license;

    • the license no longer requires port and protocol;

    • you can now specify subdomains in the license;

    • upon the launch of the plugin on a server, the license payload is displayed in the Docker log;

    • localhost and no longer ask for a license;

  • The on_capture_complete callback is now available on any architecture: it is called once a video is taken and returns info on actions from the video;

  • Oz Web Liveness and Oz Web Adapter versions are displayed in the Docker log upon launch;

  • Deleted the deprecated adapter_version field from order metadata;

  • Added the parameters to pass the information about the bounding box – landmarks that define where the face in the frame is;

  • Fixed the Switch camera button in Google Chrome;

  • Upon the start of Web SDK, the actual configuration parameters are displayed in the Docker log.

0.7.6 – Sept. 27, 2022

  • Changed the extension of some Oz system files from .bin to .dat.


  • Additional scripts are now called using the main script's address.


  • Web SDK now can be installed via static files only (works for the capture type of architecture).

  • Web SDK can now work with CDN.

  • Now, you can launch several Oz Liveness plugins on different pages. In this case, you need to specify the path to scripts in head of these pages.

If you update the Web SDK version from 0.4.0, the license should be updated as well.


  • Fixed a bug with the shooting screen.



  • Fixed Angular integration.


  • Fixed the bug where the IMAGE_FOLDER section was missed in the JSON response with the lossless frame enabled.


  • Fixed issues with the ravenjs library.


  • A frame for taking a documents photo is now customizable.


  • Implemented security updates.

0.3.2009 (0.4.8)

  • Metadata now contains names of all cameras you can use.

0.3.2005 (0.4.8)

  • Video and zip formats now allow loading a lossless image.

  • Fixed Best Shot.

0.3.2004 (0.4.8)

  • Separated the error code and error description in server responses.

0.3.2001 (0.4.6)

  • If the SDK mode is set in the environment variables architecture, api_url, it is passed to settings automatically.

  • In the Lite mode, you can select the best frame for any action.

  • In the Lite mode, an image sent via API gets the on_complete status only after a successful liveness.

  • You can manage CORS using the environment variables (CORS headers are not added by default).


  • Added the folder value for result_mode: it returns the same value as status but with folder_id.

0.3.1997 (0.4.5)

  • Updated encryption: now only metadata required to decrypt an object is encrypted.

  • Updated data transfer: images are being sent in separate form fields.

  • Added the camera parameters check.

0.3.1992 (0.4.4)

  • Enabled a new method for image encryption.

  • Optimized image transfer format.


  • Added the use_for_liveness option: mobile devices use back camera by default, on desktop, flip and oval circling are off. By default, the option is switched off.

0.3.1990 (0.4.3)

  • Decreased video length for video_selfie_best (the Selfie gesture) from 1 to 0,2 sec.

  • Loading scripts is now customizable.

  • Improved UX.

0.3.1988 (0.4.2)

  • Added the Kazakh locale.

  • Added a guide for accessing the camera on a desktop.

  • Improved logging: plugin_liveness.php requests and recording user-agent to the server log.

  • Added the Lite mode.

0.3.1987 (0.4.1)

  • Added encryption.

  • Updated libraries.

0.3.1986 (0.3.91)

  • You can now hide the Oz Forensics logo.


  • Updated a guide for Facebook, Instagram, Samsung, Opera.

  • Added handlers for unknown variables and a guide for “unknown” browsers.


  • Optimized memory usage for a frame.

  • Added a guide on how to switch cameras on using Android browsers.

Last updated