The best frame, PNG in the data URL format, it is required for protection against virtual cameras when video is not used
Array[Named_parameter: Int]
The coordinates of the bounding box where the face is located in the best frame
Array[Named_parameter: Array[Int, Int]]
The coordinates of the face landmarks (left eye, right eye, nose, mouth, left ear, right ear) in the best frame
All frames in the data URL format
Array[Array[Named_parameter: Int]]
The coordinates of the bounding boxes where the face is located in the corresponding frames
Array[Named_parameter: Array[Int, Int]]
The coordinates of the face landmarks (left eye, right eye, nose, mouth, left ear, right ear) in the corresponding frames
An action code
Information about client environment
Please note:
The video from Oz Web SDK is a frame sequence, so, to send it to Oz API, you’ll need to archive the frames and transmit them as a ZIP file via the POST /api/folders request (check ourPostman collections).
You can retrieve the MP4 video from a folder using the /api/folders/{{folder_id}} request with this folder's ID. In the JSON that you receive, look for the preview_url in source_media. The preview_url parameter contains the link to the video. From the plugin, MP4 videos are unavailable (only as frame sequences).
Also, in the POST {{host}}/api/folders request, you need to add the additional_info field. It is required for the capture architecture mode to gather the necessary information about client environment. Here’s the example of filling in the request’s body: