Installation and Licensing

Please note: this page covers the on-premise model of usage only.

If you use Oz Web SDK via SaaS, please contacts our engineers.


Our engineers will help you to install Oz Web SDK using the standalone installer (requires your technical personnel to take part) or manually (everything is done by us). Once installed, the adapter part generates the plugin files: file with styles (ozliveness.css) and the primary script of the plugin (plugin_liveness.php).


This part covers the license update process as the license is installed during the SDK installation; but a new license can be installed in the same way.

To generate the license, we need the domain name of the website where you are going to use Oz Forensics Web SDK, for instance, You can also define subdomains.

To find the origin, in the developer mode, run window.origin on the page you are going to embed Oz Web SDK in. At localhost /, license can work without this information.

  1. Unzip the file received:


2. Copy the JSON license file to the host where you’ve deployed the container from the ozforensics/oz-webliveness-dev:latest image.


scp -i ~/ozforensics/keys/id_rsa-test-hostname-vm license.0000aaaa-00aa-00aa-00aa-00000aaaaa.WebSDK_your_website.2022-10-11.json user@hostname:/opt/oz/web-sdk

  • -i ~/ozforensics/keys/id_rsa-test-hostname-vm is the path to the public ssh key of your host license.

  • 0000aaaa-00aa-00aa-00aa-00000aaaaa.WebSDK_your_website.2022-10-11.json is the JSON license file.

  • user is the username on host.

  • hostname is the host alias.

  • /opt/oz/web-sdk is the directory where you’ve deployed the Web SDK container.

3. Replace the license file.


ssh user@hostname -i ~/ozforensics/keys/id_rsa-test-hostname-vm sudo cp -v /opt/oz/web-sdk/license.license.0000aaaa-00aa-00aa-00aa-00000aaaaa.WebSDK_your_website.2022-10-11.json /opt/oz/web-sdk/license.json

4. Restart the Web SDK container for the new license to be applied.


ssh user@hostname -i ~/ozforensics/keys/id_rsa-test-hostname-vm sudo docker restart web-sdk
  • web-sdk is the name of the container you’ve deployed from the ozforensics/oz-webliveness-dev:latest image.

Once the license is added, the system will check its validity on launch.

License Errors



License error. License at <> not found

Cannot find the license file

License error. Cannot parse license from <>, invalid format

The license containing is somehow invalid: e.g., incorrect JSON

License error. Current date is later than license expiration date

Your license has expired and needs renewal

License error. Origin is not in the list permitted by license

Your domain or subdomain name can't be found in the list of allowed URLs

Last updated

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