Please note: this page covers the on-premise model of usage only.
If you use Oz Web SDK via SaaS, please contacts our engineers.
Oz Liveness WEB Adapter is set up via changes in the configuration file stored at the Oz Liveness WEB Adapter server: /core/app_config.json
Please note: the Adapter guide covers the on-premise model of usage only.
Before you start, it is highly advisable that you get an access token.
Create a service account. Its access token is set to expire in 5 years.
Install Postman and download the Oz API collection needed.
Authorize: send aPOST request {{host}}/api/authorize/auth, where {{host}} stands for the API server address. In the request body, send the service account credentials: login and password. For more information, please refer to this article.
The response to your request will contain the access_token parameter. Copy its value to the api_token parameter of the /core/app_config.json file. Set api_use_token to config. You're done.
Please find a sample for Oz Liveness Web SDK here. To make it work, replace <web-adapter-url> with the Web Adapter URL you've received from us.
For Angular and React, replace in index.html.