
WebUI changes

1.3.3 – Feb. 16, 2024

  • Disabled the automatic new order checking functionality in the Orders section to reduce server load and database traffic.

  • You can now refresh the Oz Web UI page manually, while keeping the filters and graphs applied earlier. This is available for the Orders, Users, Companies, and Statistics sections: just click Refresh. In the paginated sections, it also redirects to the first page.

  • The company filter for the CLIENT ADMIN role is now being applied automatically.

  • Deleted the data format field from the account settings.

  • Fixed an issue where seconds were not displayed in the Date/Time column and header of the exported report.

  • Bug fixes and security updates.

1.3.2 – May 11, 2023

  • Updated the default report template.

  • The time filter now works properly for reports.

  • The Analyses duration bar chart now works properly.

  • Fixed the displaying of the Amount of Orders by Company chart.

  • Fixed minor bugs related to the blacklist photo displaying.

1.3.1 – Apr. 19, 2023

  • Updated the chart list, now you can create a chart according to:

    • Amount of orders by summary status,

    • Amount of orders by source,

    • Amount of analyses by type,

    • Amount of analyses by result type,

    • Amount of orders by company,

    • Analyses duration.

  • You can now check the API version in Settings.

  • Added new filters to the Orders section: "Analysis Type" and "Analysis Result".

  • The useless synchronization collection button is deleted.

  • Company deletion and report creation now work properly.

  • You cannot now delete a user with an order associated with them.

  • A user can review the images in analyses’ results even if they don’t have API access.

  • Once open in an order, media doesn’t get downloaded automatically anymore.

  • Line chart hints when the chart has several rows are now easier to read.

  • Fixed the minor bugs related to analyses and filters.

1.3.0 – Sept. 7, 2022

  • Updated the filters and charts logic.

  • Improved the report form.


  • Improved the work of Companies and Orders sections.

  • Improved and optimized the Statistics module.

  • Reports are now available in English.


  • Renamed the Date field in filters to Date/time.

  • Updated the password change workflow.

  • Updated the report form.

  • Changed options in the list of Operator decisions.

  • Time filter on the Statistics page now works better.


  • Deleted the useless Add Company button in the user editing form.

  • The Statistics module now works better.


  • On the statistics page, the date filter now works properly.

  • If you choose to email credentials upon the user creation, and this email can't be delivered, the system won't create this user


  • Fixed a bunch of bugs.

  • Deleted the PhotoExpert/Image Forensics analysis which hasn't been supported for a long time.


  • On the Statistics page, added a company filter.


  • Administrators obtained the rights to switch users on and off. Requires API v 3.31.0.


  • Charts for meta fields are back.


  • Added the best shot view to the Quality and Liveness analysis.


  • Updated to Laravel 8 and PHP 8.


  • You can now see how much time it takes to analyze.

  • In statistics, company IDs are replaced by company names.


  • Added the folder ID to the report filename.


  • If you have several report templates, when creating a new report, you’ll be prompted to choose a report. The automatic selection is removed.

  • Changed the folder creation process: the API profile can_start_analyse_* now determines whether an analysis can be launched or not.

  • You can now manage the can_start_analyse_* user profile fields.

  • When managing user, Admin or Client Admin can’t change the fields of can_start_analyse_* without having the access to it.


  • Changed the authorization via API.

  • Added a chart for the number of folders.


  • Fixed the date/time folder in the folders list.


  • Added the date/time folder to the folders list.


  • The timezone has been moved to the user profile.


  • Added a bar chart.

  • Added the analyse.state filter.

  • Now you can export folders as .xls.


  • Saving a set of charts now works properly.


  • Added new client charts.

  • Added labels for the pie chart.

  • You can now search for users via search_text.


  • Removed the metadata charts.

  • Cleared the default charts list.


  • Added a new chart.


  • The Statistics link is now seen in the menu (with permissions and if the statistics exist).


  • Charts now can be saved; once saved, they are displayed opened in statistics.


  • Localized charts.


  • Added new statistics.


  • Added a shot set support – media SHOTS_SET_FOLDER.


  • Added the statistics module.


  • Manual decisions now can be changed.


  • Added client libraries for date/time displaying and improved client timezone recognition.

  • Fixed date/time displaying.

  • Added text wrapping for long metadata.

  • Added the Client Operator role.

  • Added manual decisions – a human can check whether the algorithms were right or not, and change the analysis result.

  • Added manual decision displaying.

  • Added buttons to view and make a decision.

  • Only Admin и Client Admin can see an analysis deletion button.


  • Added the timezone offset – it is stored in cookies and is added to timestamps on the client side. The offset can be removed using js.

  • Fixed the server-side timezone offset.


  • Added a default report template (.rml).


  • Added a customizable password generator .

  • Added the password generation customization interface with testing.

  • You can now send the user data via email. For additional recipients, use mail.use_bcc.

  • Added a default company template.

  • You can now create a new company while adding new users.


  • Added video orientation tags.


  • The list of available analyses now changes dynamically depending on what files you upload.

  • Added a file list check on the server side. When the folder is created, we check what media are included in it, and upload only the appropriate analyses.


  • You can see the program version in the Settings section.

  • The Quality analysis result now displays only spoofing chances.


  • Added a customizable date formatting for documents analysis.


  • Removed the resolution status filter for the folder list.


  • Changed the analyses queue forming method upon the folder creation.


  • Added folder filters: ID, user, company, resolution. You can hide them if needed.


  • Added the Photo Expert analysis.

  • Added the backside document check.


  • Folder owner details are now displayed.

  • Regarding the user role, you might see an owner with their name, email address, and company.

  • The User role doesn’t have access to see the folder owner.

  • Only Admin and Operator can see the owner company.


  • When you do something with a collection, its status updates.


  • Fixed a bug related to filter fields deletion in the view folders section.

  • The synchronization button gets animated when synchronization is needed.

  • Changed the template and parser for the blacklist analysis.

  • In the collection person list, names are now displayed.


  • Users without company no longer see the company editing button.

  • You can now manage the collection rebuilding – status indication, errors, status check.


  • Changed the template management process.

  • You can now download the source files.

  • Fixed user management.


  • You can now manage templates and collections (add/delete).

  • You can now add, edit, delete persons to collections, and work with related images.

  • Updated the interface.

  • Editing a company also allows managing its templates and collections.


  • Now you can delete a folder while viewing it.

  • Added labels to the user management buttons.

  • Fixed content-length for new cURL versions.


  • Added the “Errors only” filter to the documents' analysis results.

  • Switched off the liveness result in the Quality analysis.

  • Fixed errors in user and company management.


  • Added resolution status.

  • Fixed reporting errors: from now on, to create a report a company should have at least one template.

  • Fixed image tags.

  • You can now see how many folders have appeared since you started to view the current folder list.

  • You can now select what analyses to launch.


  • Fixed errors in long keys.

  • Removed the temporary users.

  • Removed the unnecessary timestamps.

  • User links (especially companies) are fixed.

Last updated