Capturing Videos

Create a controller that will capture videos as follows:

let actions: [OZVerificationMovement] = [.selfie]
let ozLivenessVC: UIViewController = OZSDK.createVerificationVCWithDelegate(self, actions: actions)
self.present(ozLivenessVC, animated: true)

action – a list of user’s actions while capturing the video.

Once video is captured, the system calls the onOZLivenessResult method:

extension viewController: OZLivenessDelegate {
 func onError(status: OZVerificationStatus?) {
        // show error
 func onOZLivenessResult(results: [OZMedia]) {
   // proceed to the checks step

The method returns the results of video capturing: the [OZMedia] objects. The system uses these objects to perform checks.

If you use our SDK just for capturing videos, omit the Checking Liveness and Face Biometry step.

If a user closes the capturing screen manually, the failedBecauseUserCancelled error appears.

Last updated