
API changes

5.2.0 – September 06, 2024

  • Updated the Postman collection. Please see the new collection here and at

  • Added the new method to check the timezone settings: GET {{host}}/api/config

  • Added parameters to the GET {{host}}/api/event_sessions method:

    • time_created

    • time_created.min

    • time_created.max

    • time_updated

    • time_updated.min

    • time_updated.max

    • session_id

    • session_id.exclude

    • sorting

    • offset

    • limit

    • total_omit

  • If you create a folder using SHOT_SET, the corresponding video will be in media.video_url.

  • Fixed the bug with CLIENT ADMIN being unable to change passwords for users from their company.

5.1.1 – July 16, 2024

  • Security updates.

5.1.0 – Mar. 20, 2024

  • Face Identification 1:N is now live, significantly increasing the data processing capacity of the Oz API to find matches. Even huge face databases (containing millions of photos and more) are no longer an issue.

  • The Liveness (QUALITY) analysis now ignores photos tagged with photo_id, photo_id_front, or photo_id_back, preventing these photos from causing the tag-related analysis error.

5.0.1 – July 16, 2024

  • Security updates.

5.0.0 – Nov. 17, 2023

  • You can now apply the Liveness (QUALITY) analysis to a single image.

  • Fixed the bug where the Liveness analysis could finish with the SUCCESS result with no media uploaded.

  • The default value for the extract_best_shot parameter is now True.

  • RAR archives are no longer supported.

  • By default, analyses.results_media.results_data now contain the confidence_spoofing parameter. However, if you need all three parameters for the backward compatibility, it is possible to change the response back to three parameters: confidence_replay, confidence_liveness, and confidence_spoofing.

  • Updated the default PDF report template.

  • The name of the PDF report now contains folder_id.

4.0.8-patch1 – July 16, 2024

  • Security updates.

4.0.8 – May 22, 2023

  • Set the autorotation of logs.

  • Added the CLI command for user deletion.

  • You can now switch off the video preview generation.

  • The ADMIN access token is now valid for 5 years.

  • Added the folder identifier folder_id to the report name.

  • Fixed bugs and optimized the API work.

4.0.2 – Sept. 13, 2022

  • For the sliced video, the system now deletes the unnecessary frames.

  • Added new methods: GET and POST at media/<media_id>/snapshot/.

  • Replaced the default report template.

  • The shot set preview now keeps images’ aspect ratio.

  • ADMIN and OPERATOR receive system_company as a company they belong to.

  • Added the company_id attribute to User, Folder, Analyse, Media.

  • Added the Analysis group_id attribute.

  • Added the system_resolution attribute to Folder and Analysis.

  • The analysis resolution_status now returns the system_resolution value.

  • Removed the PATCH method for collections.

  • Added the resolution_status filter to Folder Analyses [LIST] and analyse.resolution_status filter to Folder [LIST].

  • Added the audit log for Folder, User, Company.

  • Improved the company deletion algorithm.

  • Reforged the blacklist processing logic.

  • Fixed a few bugs.


  • The Photo Expert and KYC modules are now removed.

  • The endpoint for the user password change is now POST users/user_id/change-password instead of PATCH.


  • Provided log for the Celery app.


  • Added filters to the Folder [LIST] request parameters: analyse.time_created, analyse.results_data for the Documents analysis, results_data for the Biometry analysis, results_media_results_data for the QUALITY analysis. To enable filters, set the with_results_media_filter query parameter to True.


  • Added a new attribute for users – is_active (default True). If is_active == False, any user operation is blocked.

  • Added a new exception code (1401 with status code 401) for the actions of the blocked users.


  • Added shots sets preview.

  • You can now save a shots set archive to a disk (with the original_local_path, original_url attributes).

  • A new original_info attribute is added to store md5, size, and mime-type of a shots set

  • Fixed ReportInfo for shots sets.


  • Added health check at GET api/healthcheck.


  • Fixed the shots set thumbnail URL.


  • Now, the first frame of shots set becomes this shots set's thumbnail URL.


  • Modified the retry policy – the default max count of analysis attempts is increased to 3 and jitter configuration introduced.

  • Changed the callback algorithm.

  • Refactored and documented the command line tools.

  • Refactored modules.


  • Changed the delete personal information endpoint and method from delete_pi to /pi and from POST to DELETE, respectively.


  • Improved the delete personal information algorithm.

  • It is now forbidden to add media to cleaned folders.


  • Changed the authorize/restore endpoint name from auth to auth_restore.

  • Added a new tag – video_selfie_oneshot.

  • Added the password validation setting (OZ_PASSWORD_POLICY).

  • Added auth, rest_unauthorized, rps_with_token throttling (use OZ_THROTTLING_RATES in configuration. Off by default).

  • User permissions are now used to access static files (OZ_USE_PERMISSIONS_FOR_STATIC in configuration, false by default).

  • Added a new folder endpoint – /delete_pi. It clears all personal information from a folder and analyses related to this folder.


  • Fixed a bug with no error while trying to synchronize empty collections.

  • If persons are uploaded, the analyse collection TFSS request is sent.


  • Added the fields_to_check parameter to document analysis (by default, all fields are checked).

  • Added the double_page_spread parameter to document analysis (True by default).


  • Fixed collection synchronization.


  • Authorization token can be now refreshed by expire_token.


  • Added support for application/x-gzip.


  • Renamed shots_set.images to shots_set.frames.


  • Added user sessions API.

  • Users can now change a folder owner (limited by permissions).

  • Changed dependencies rules.

  • Changed the access_token prolongation policy to fix bug of prolongation before checking the expiration permission.


  • Move oz_collection_binding (collection synchronization functional) to oz_core.


  • Simplified the shots sets functionality. One archive keeps one shot set.


  • Improved the document sides recognition for the docker version.


  • Moved the orientation tag check to liveness at quality analysis.


  • Added a default report template for Admin and Operator.


  • Updated the biometric model.


  • A new ShotsSet object is not created if there are no photos for it.

  • Updated the data exchange format for the documents' recognition module.


  • You can’t delete a Collection if there are associated analyses with Collection Persons.


  • Added time marks to analysis: time_task_send_to_broker, time_task_received, time_task_finished.


  • Added a new authorization engine. You can now connect with Active Directory by LDAP (settings configuration required).


  • A new type of media in Folders – "shots_set".

  • You can’t delete a CollectionPerson if there are analyses associated with it.


  • Renamed the folder field resolution_suggest to operator_status.

  • Added a folder text field operator_comment.

  • The folder fields operator_status and operator_comment can be edited only by Admin, Operator, Client Service, Client Operator, and Client Admin.

  • Only Admin and Client Admin can delete folder, folder media, report template, report template attachments, reports, and analyses (within their company).


  • Fixed a deletion error: when report author is deleted, their reports get deleted as well.


  • Client can now view only their own profile.


  • Client Operator can now edit only their profile.

  • Client can't delete own folders, media, reports, or analyses anymore.

  • Client Service can now create Collection Person and read reports within their company.


  • Client, Client Admin, Client Operator have read access to users profiles only in their company.

  • A/B testing is now available.

  • Added support for expiration date header.

  • Added document recognition module Standalone/Dockered binding support.


  • Added a new role of Client Operator (like Client Admin without permissions for company and account management).

  • Client Admin and Client Operator can change the analysis status.

  • Only Admin and Client Admin (for their company) can create, update and delete operations for Collection and CollectionPerson models from now on.

  • Added a check for user permissions to report template when creating a folder report.

  • Collection creation now returns status code 201 instead of 200.

Last updated