System Objects

The description of the objects you can find in Oz Forensics system.

Objects Hierarchy

System objects on Oz Forensics products are hierarchically structured as shown in the picture below.

On the top level, there is a Company. You can use one copy of Oz API to work with several companies.

The next level is a User. A company can contain any amount of users. There are several roles of users with different permissions. For more information, refer to User Roles.

When a user requests an analysis (or analyses), a new folder is created. This folder contains media. One user can create any number of folders. Each folder can contain any amount of media. A user applies analyses to one or more media within a folder. The rules of assigning analyses are described here. The media quality requirements are listed on this page.

Object parameters

Common parameters

Besides these parameters, each object type has specific ones.






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