Configuration File Settings

This part covers the containing of the /core/app_config.json file.

  • use_for_liveness – the option is used when bank managers are taking clients' videos. If the option is set to true, mobile devices use the back camera by default, and on desktop, flip and oval circling are off.

  • preinit – this optional parameter switches on the preliminary loading of scripts and face detection initialization. This is needed to reduce the plugin loading time. The default value is off that means all the scripts are loaded after calling The script value means that the scripts will be loaded before the plugin launches. The full value enables preliminary loading of scripts and face detection initialization.

  • architecture – this optional parameter is used to choose the architecture for Web SDK. The default value is normal.

    • normal is used for the full Oz API version;

    • lite is used for API Lite;

    • capture is used for the mode that aims to work directly with client backend. In this mode, Oz Liveness Web Plugin can be distributed via static files only (without the adapter part; implemented in 0.7.4);

  • api_url – Oz API server address, a text parameter;

  • api_token – Oz API access token, a text parameter;

  • api_use_token – a parameter to specify the source of the Oz API access token for the system. Possible values = config, client.

    • If the parameter value is client, then an Oz API access token is expected to be derived from the JS plug-in;

    • If you specify config in this parameter, a token will be retrieved from the api_token parameter of the Oz Liveness Web Adapter configuration file.

  • video_actions_list – block of video file tags used in the system, a text array. Current tag list.

  • photo_actions_list – block of photo file tags used in the system, a text array. Current tag list.

  • actions_default_importance – this parameter specifies whether override with an actions array from a web plug-in is allowed at launching an analysis. Possible values = true, false;

    • If true, the Adapter will use an actions array from the configuration file.

    • If false, the Adapter will use an actions array forwarded from your browser with the use of the open(options) method.

  • actions_default – the actions array. Options include:

    • video_count – the number of transmitted video files, a numeric parameter;

    • photo_front – whether there is a front-side page in the document. Possible values = true, false;

    • photo_back – whether there is a back-side page in the document. Possible values = true, false.

  • analyses – a block for configuring the launch of analyses. Options include:

    • quality – launch of Oz Liveness analysis. Possible values = true, false;

    • biometry – launch of Oz Biometry analysis. Possible values = true, false;

    • documents – launch of Oz Text analysis. Possible values = true, false;

    • collection_ids (since 1.4.0) – an array of the identifiers of collections for the Black List analysis.

  • extract_best_shot – a parameter that specifies if a direct link to the best shot (bestshot) extracted from the video should be appended to the analysis result. Possible values = true, false. If true, the response will contain a link to the extracted image inoutput_images (results_media);

  • result_mode – a parameter that specifies the contents of the server response with verification results. Possible values:

    • safe– only the state of analyses is returned (completed or not yet);

    • status– results of completed analyses are returned;

    • folder – same as status but with folder identifier added;

    • full– full Oz API response on the analyses is returned in the JSON format.

  • result_codes– a block of response codes with annotations.

  • delete_old_sessions: true, false– whether you want to delete old sessions

  • delete_old_sessions_offset_minutes: ***– old sessions deletion time offset (in minutes)

  • video_required_actions_list– the array of required actions

  • save_lossless_frame: true– saving the original frame without compression

  • video_file_format – optional; here you can choose the video file format. This video file is passed to the api. Possible values: zip (recommended) and mov (less secure). If you need to retrieve your captured video in the MP4 format, please find the instructions here.

  • debug (since 1.1.0) – if true, enables access to the /debug.php page, which contains information about the current configuration and the current license.

  • load_3d_mask (since 1.2.1) – if true, loads the model to process the video taken with the 3D mask functionality. The default value is false which means that the model is not used, and the 3D mask is unavailable (the enable_3d_mask parameter is being ignored).

  • enable_3d_mask (since 1.2.1) – enables the 3D mask as the default face capture behavior. This parameter works only if load_3d_mask is set to true; the default value is false.

  • master_license_signature (since 1.3.1) – the parameter for the master license signature; the default value is null.

  • results_polling_interval (since 1.4.0) – the interval for polling for the analyses’ results in ms; the default value is 1000.

  • get_user_media_timeout (since 1.5.0) – it defines camera access timeout in sec; after this timeout it displays a hint on how to solve the problem; default_default for all browsers and android_facebook for Facebook

"get_user_media_timeout": {
        "default_default": 40,
        "android_facebook": 5
  • disable_adapter_errors_on_screen (since 1.5.0) – if true, disables the display of errors in modal windows, allowing you to view them solely using the on_error callback. The default value is False.

Last updated

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