Statuses in API

This article contains the full description of folders' and analyses' statuses in API.

Field name / status




starting state

starting state


starting state

starting state

analyses in progress

analyses in progress


system error

system error

system error

system error


finished successfully


finished successfully




check failed


check failed



additional check is needed


additional check is needed



check succeeded


check succeeded

The details on each status are below.

Analysis State (analyse.state)

This is the state when the analysis is being processed. The values of this state can be:

PROCESSING – the analysis is in progress;

FAILED – the analysis failed due to some error and couldn't get finished;

FINISHED – job's done, the analysis is finished, and you can check the result.

Analysis Result (analyse.resolution_status)

Once the analysis is finished, you'll see one of the following results:

SUCCESS– everything went fine, the check succeeded (e.g., faces match or liveness confirmed);

OPERATOR_REQUIRED (except the Liveness analysis) – the result should be additionally checked by a human operator;

The OPERATOR_REQUIRED status appears only if it is set up in biometry settings.

DECLINED – the check failed (e.g., faces don't match or some spoofing attack detected).

If the analysis hasn't been finished yet, the result inherits a value from analyse.state: PROCESSING (the analysis is in progress) / FAILED (the analysis failed due to some error and couldn't get finished).

Folder Status (folder.resolution_status)

A folder is an entity that contains media to analyze. If the analyses have not been finished, the stage of processing media is shown in resolution_status:

INITIAL – no analyses applied;

PROCESSING – analyses are in progress;

FAILED – any of the analyses failed due to some error and couldn't get finished;

FINISHED – media in this folder are processed, the analyses are finished.

Folder Result (system_resolution)

Folder result is the consolidated result of all analyses applied to media from this folder. Please note: the folder result is the result of the last-finished group of analyses. If all analyses are finished, the result will be:

SUCCESS– everything went fine, all analyses completed successfully;

OPERATOR_REQUIRED (except the Liveness analysis) – there are no analyses with the DECLINED status, but one or more analyses have been completed with the OPERATOR_REQUIRED status;

DECLINED – one or more analyses have been completed with the DECLINED status.

The analyses you send in a single POST request form a group. The group result is the "worst" result of analyses this group contains: INITIAL > PROCESSING > FAILED > DECLINED > OPERATOR_REQUIRED > SUCCESS, where SUCCESS means all analyses in the group have been completed successfully without any errors.

Last updated

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