API Error Codes

HTTP Response Codes

  • Response codes 2XX indicate a successfully processed request (e.g., code 200 for retrieving data, code 201 for adding a new entity, code 204 for deletion, etc.).

  • Response codes 4XX indicate that a request could not be processed correctly because of some client-side data issues (e.g., 404 when addressing a non-existing resource).

  • Response codes 5XX indicate that an internal server-side error occurred during the request processing (e.g., when database is temporarily unavailable).

Response Body with Errors

Each response error includes HTTP code and JSON data with error description. It has the following structure:

  • error_code – integer error code;

  • error_message– text error description;

  • details – additional error details (format is specified to each case). Can be empty.

Sample error response:

    "error_code": 0,
    "error_message": "Unknown server side error occurred",
    "details": null

Error codes:

  • 0 – UNKNOWN Unknown server error.

  • 1 - NOT ALLOWED An unallowed method is called. Usually is followed by the 405 HTTP status of response. For example, trying to request the PATCH method, while only GET/POST ones are supported.

  • 2 - NOT REALIZED The method is documented but is not realized by any temporary or permanent reason.

  • 3 - INVALID STRUCTURE Incorrect structure of request. Some required fields missing or a format validation error occurred.

  • 4 - INVALID VALUE Incorrect value of the parameter inside request body or query.

  • 5 - INVALID TYPE The invalid data type of the request parameter.

  • 6 - AUTH NOT PROVIDED Access token not specified.

  • 7 - AUTH INVALID The access token does not exist in the database.

  • 8 - AUTH EXPIRED Auth token is expired.

  • 9 - AUTH FORBIDDEN Access denied for the current user.

  • 10 - NOT EXIST the requested resource is not found (alternative of HTTP status_code = 404).

  • 11 - EXTERNAL SERVICE Error in the external information system.

  • 12 – DATABASE Critical database error on the server host.

Last updated

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