If you use our SDK just for capturing videos, omit this step.
To check liveness and face biometry, you need to upload media to our system and then analyze them.
To interpret the results of analyses, please refer to Types of Analyses.
Here’s an example of performing a check:
analysisCancelable = AnalysisRequest.Builder()
// mediaToAnalyze is an array of OzAbstractMedia that were captured or otherwise created
.addAnalysis(Analysis(Analysis.Type.QUALITY, Analysis.Mode.SERVER_BASED, mediaToAnalyze))// or ON_DEVICE if you want the on-device analysis
//initiating the analyses and setting up a listener
.run(object : AnalysisRequest.AnalysisListener {
override fun onStatusChange(status: AnalysisRequest.AnalysisStatus) { handleStatus(status) // or your status handler
override fun onSuccess(result: RequestResult) {
handleResults(result) // or your result handler
override fun onError(error: OzException) { handleError(error) // or your error handler
analysisCancelable = new AnalysisRequest.Builder()
// mediaToAnalyze is an array of OzAbstractMedia that were captured or otherwise created
.addAnalysis(new Analysis(Analysis.Type.QUALITY, Analysis.Mode.SERVER_BASED, mediaToAnalyze)) // or ON_DEVICE if you want the on-device analysis
//initiating the analyses and setting up a listener
.run(new AnalysisRequest.AnalysisListener() {
public void onSuccess(@NonNull RequestResult list) { handleResults(list); } // or your result handler
public void onError(@NonNull OzException e) { handleError(e); } // or your error handler
public void onStatusChange(@NonNull AnalysisRequest.AnalysisStatus analysisStatus) { handleStatus(analysisStatus); } // or your status handler
To delete media files after the checks are finished, use the clearActionVideos method.
Adding Metadata
To add metadata to a folder, use the addFolderMeta method.
"key1" to "value1",
"key2" to "value2"
In the params field of the Analysis structure, you can pass any additional parameters (key + value), for instance, to extract the best shot on the server side.
mapOf("extract_best_shot" to true)
Using Media from Another SDK
To use a media file that is captured with another SDK (not Oz Android SDK), specify the path to it in OzAbstractMedia:
val file = File(context.filesDir, "media.mp4") // use context.getExternalFilesDir(null) instead of context.filesDir for external app storage
val media = OzAbsractMedia.OzVideo(OzMediaTag.VideoSelfieSmile, file.absolutePath)
Adding Media to a Certain Folder
If you want to add your media to the existing folder, use the setFolderId method: