How to Install and Use Oz Flutter Plugin

Please find the Flutter repository here.

Installation and Licensing

Add the lines below in pubspec.yaml of the project you want to add the plugin to.

      ref: '8.8.2'

Add the license file (e.g., license.json or forensics.license) to the Flutter application/assets folder. In pubspec.yaml, specify the Flutter asset:

  - assets/license.json // please note that the license file name must match to the one placed in assets

For Android, add the Oz repository to /android/build.gradle, allprojects → repositories section:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url ‘’ } // repository URL

For Flutter 8.24.0 and above or Android Gradle plugin 8.0.0 and above, add to android/


The minimum SDK version should be 21 or higher:

defaultConfig {
  minSDKVersion 21

For iOS, set the minimum platform to 13 or higher in the Runner → Info → Deployment target → iOS Deployment Target.

In ios/Podfile, comment the use_frameworks! line (#use_frameworks!).

Getting Started with Flutter

Initializing SDK

Initialize SDK by calling the init plugin method. Note that the license file name and path should match the ones specified in pubspec.yaml (e.g., assets/license.json).

await OZSDK.initSDK([<% license path and license file name %>]);

Connecting SDK to API

Use the API credentials (login, password, and API URL) that you’ve received from us.

await OZSDK.setApiConnectionWithCredentials(<login>, <password>, <host>);

In production, instead of hard-coding the login and password inside the application, it is recommended to get the access token on your backend via the API auth method, then pass it to your application:

 await OZSDK.setApiConnectionWithToken(token, host);

By default, logs are saved along with the analyses' data. If you need to keep the logs distinct from the analysis data, set up the separate connection for telemetry as shown below:

await OZSDK.setEventsConnectionWithCredentials(<login>, <password>, <host>);


await OZSDK.setEventsConnectionWithToken(<token>, <host>);

Capturing Videos

To start recording, use the startLiveness method to obtain the recorded media:

await OZSDK.startLiveness(<actions>, <use_main_camera>);






Actions from the captured video



If True, uses the main camera, otherwise the front one.

Please note: for versions 8.11 and below, the method name is executeLiveness, and it returns the recorded media.

To obtain the media result, subscribe to livenessResult as shown below:

class Screen extends StatefulWidget {
  static const route = 'liveness';

  const Screen({super.key});

  State<Screen> createState() => _ScreenState();

class _ScreenState extends State<Screen> {
  late StreamSubscription<List<Media>> _subscription;

  void initState() {

    // subscribe to liveness result
    _subscription = OZSDK.livenessResult.listen(
      (List<Media> medias) {
          // media contains liveness media
      onError: (Object error) {
        // handle error, in most cases PlatformException

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // omitted to shorten the example

  void _startLiveness() async {
    // use startLiveness to start liveness screen
    OZSDK.startLiveness(<list of actions>);

  void dispose() {
    // cancel subscription

Checking Liveness and Face Biometry

To run the analyses, execute the code below.

Create the Analysis object:

List<Analysis> analysis = [ Analysis(Type.quality, Mode.serverBased, <media>, {}), ];

Execute the formed analysis:

final analysisResult = await OZSDK.analyze(analysis, [], {}) ?? [];

The analysisResult list of objects contains the result of the analysis.

If you want to use media captured by another SDK, the code should look like this:

media = Media(FileTypedocumentPhoto, VerificationAction.oneShot, “photo_selfie”, null, <path to image>, null, null, “”)

The whole code block will look like this:

// replace VerificationAction.blank with your Liveness gesture if needed
final cameraMedia = await OZSDK.executeLiveness([VerificationAction.blank], use_main_camera);

final analysis = [
  Analysis(Type.quality, Mode.serverBased, cameraMedia, {}),

final analysisResult = await OZSDK.analyze(analysis, [], {});

Last updated