
The Liveness detection algorithm is intended to detect a real living person in a media.


  1. You're authorized.

  2. You have already created a folder and added your media marked by correct tags into this folder. For API 4.0.8 and below, please note: the Liveness analysis works with videos and shotsets, images are ignored. If you want to analyze an image, upload it as a shotset (archive) with a single image and mark with the video_selfie_blank tag.

Processing Steps

1. Initiate the analysis for the folder: POST /api/folders/{{folder_id}}/analyses/

If you want to use a webhook for response, add it to the payload at this step, as described here.

request body
  "analyses": [
      "type": "quality",
      "source_media": ["1111aaaa-11aa-11aa-11aa-111111aaaaaa"], // optional; omit to include all media from the folder

You'll needanalyse_id or folder_id from response.

2. If you use a webhook, just wait for it to return the information needed. Otherwise, initiate polling:

  • GET /api/analyses/{{analyse_id}} – for the analyse_id you have from the previous step.

  • GET api/folders/{{folder_id}}/analyses/ – for all analyses performed on media in the folder with the folder_id you have from the previous step.

Repeat the check until theresolution_status and resolution fields change status to any other except PROCESSING and treat this as a result.

For the Liveness Analysis, seek the confidence_spoofing value related to the video you need. It indicates a chance that a person is not a real one.

    // you may have multiple analyses in the list
    // pick the one you need by analyse_id or type
    "analyse_id": "1111aaaa-11aa-11aa-11aa-111111aaaaaa",
    "type": "QUALITY",
    "results_media": [
        // if you have multiple media in one analysis, match score with media by source_video_id/source_shots_set_id 
        "source_video_id": "1111aaaa-11aa-11aa-11aa-111111aaaaab", // for shots_set media, the key would be source_shots_set_id 
          "confidence_spoofing": 0.05790174 // quantitative score for this media
      "resolution_status": "SUCCESS", // qualitative resolution (based on all media)

Last updated

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