Put the license file in ./configs/tfss/license.key.
Unzip the file that contains models into the ./data/tfss/models directory.
Before starting system configuration, we recommend running the host readiness check scripts. Navigate to the checkers directory and run the pre-checker-all.sh script.
Line 15: 'PORT' is the same port as set in line 2 of configs\nginx\default.conf. Needed to set URLs to serve static via nginx.
Line 21: 'HOST' is the same name as set in docker-compose for oz-api-nginx container. Needed to set URLs to serve static via nginx.
Line 24-28: 'DB_*' are parameters for connecting to PostgreSQL database. Must refer to oz-api-pg name and parameters, that are set in configs\init\init-db.sh, configs\postgres\init.sql
Line 33-34: 'TFSS' must refer to oz-tfss container name and port, that are set in the docker-compose.yamloz-tfss start command.
Line 36: Regula. Currently, we support only external Regula.
Line 54-57: Redis connection. Change password or Redis container name and port, corresponding to lines 2 and 4 of configs\redis\redis.conf.
Line 69: Celery workers' healthcheck list. Remove Celery workers from list, if you have disabled them in docker-compose.yaml.
Line 141: O2N. Change o2n name and port, corresponding to docker-compose.yaml.
VARS section of each file (Lines 4-9) must refer to PostgreSQL names, ports in docker-compose, parameters in config.py and sets up user and database that are created during startup.
Line 2: Listen port. Must be set corresponding to the docker-composeoz-api-nginx port parameter and config.py
Lines 27, 43, 48: Service names in redirect. oz-api, oz-statistic. Change if container names are changed in docker-compose.yaml
Username, database name, password that are pre-created in database.
Username in lines 1, 9.
Password in line 1.
DB name in lines 8, 16.
Username, database name, password that are pre-created in database.
Username in lines 1, 9.
Password in line 1.
DB name in lines 8, 16.
Line 2: password for security. Refers to config.py.
Line 4: port. Refers to config.py.
Must have 'models' folder with models.
Line 3-6: API parameters. Web UI should point to the oz-api-nginx container. Set name and port same as in oz-api-nginx.
Line 5-6: login and password must be the same as in configs\init\init-user.sh (if you have created another user manually, you can also use other credentials)
Lines 6-10: pg-o2n parameters. Must be the same as listed in init-o2n.sh and pg-o2n\init.sql.
Line 12: password for superuser in PostgreSQL for O2N.
Lines 14-16: service parameters for superuser in PostgreSQL.
Lines 24-29: database parameters. Must be the same as listed in configs\postgres\init.sql.
Line 38: 'APP_ENV' User 'local' for http, 'https' for https.
Line 51-57: mail parameters. Set up for 'send password to email' option.
For this configuration, run all services on a single host:
We recommend using PostgreSQL as a container only for testing purposes. For the production deployment, it is recommended to use a standalone database.
Installing TFSS and the API on Separate Hosts
Create a directory and unzip the distribution package into it. The package contains Docker Compose manifests and directories with the configuration files required for operation.
Put the license file in ./configs/tfss/license.key.
Unzip the file that contains models into the ./data/tfss/models directory.
Before starting system configuration, we recommend running the host readiness check scripts. Navigate to the checkers directory and run the pre-checker-all.sh script.
For this configuration, run TFSS service on a separate host:
Create a directory and unzip the distribution package into it. The package contains Docker Compose manifests and directories with the configuration files required for operation.
Before starting system configuration, we recommend running the host readiness check scripts. Navigate to the checkers directory and run the pre-checker-all.sh script.